Applicant Details:
First Name (required)
Last Name (required) Position Applying For Sheetmetal WorkerBoilermakerPress Brake OperatorPowder-coaterSpray PainterMachine operatorForklift driverCAD/Cam OperatorsSales TechnicianLaser operatorFitter and Turner Current Queensland Drivers Licence? YesNo
Drivers Licence Class NilRE - MotorcycleR - MotorcycleC - CarLR - Light RigidMR - Medium RigidHR - Heavy RigidMC - Multi-Combination
Contact Details:
Your Email (required)
Your Phone Number
Your Mobile Number
Your Address
Preferred Contact Method EmailPhoneMobile
Resume (max file size 10MB)
Personal Information Due to the nature and scope of tasks to be performed in this position, Rockpress requires details of any medical conditions which may restrict your ability to carry out your duties.
Do you have any ongoing medical or physical conditions? YesNo
If Yes, please provide details:
You need to undertake a mandatory drug & alcohol test if offered the position? YesNo
You need to undertake a mandatory police check if offered the position? YesNo
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